Come unto Christ (Sally DeFord)

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In English

  • (Posted 2000-07-02)  CPDL #01023:  Network.png
Editor: Sally DeFord (submitted 2000-07-02).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 71 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: 4 different versions

In Spanish: Ven a Jesús

  • (Posted 2000-07-02)  CPDL #01072:  Network.png
Editor: Sally DeFord (submitted 2000-07-02).   Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 81 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Come unto Christ
Composer: Sally DeFord

Number of voices: 2vv, 3vv or 4vv   Voicings: SA, SSA or SATB
Genre: SacredAnthem

Languages: English, Spanish
Instruments: Piano
, Flute (optional)
First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Come unto Christ ye penitent and meek
Seek this Jesus of whom the prophets speak
Seek this Jesus whose mercies never cease
Come unto Christ, and find in him eternal peace

Come unto Christ, who bore our griefs alone
Who will carry our burdens as his own
Seek this Jesus, and by his love be blessed
Come unto Christ, and find in him eternal rest

Come unto Christ ye sorrowful and frail
Seek this Jesus whose comfort cannot fail
Seek this Jesus and triumph in his might
Come unto Christ, Come unto Christ!

Come unto Christ, abide in him and live
He will bless you with every perfect gift
Seek this Jesus amid a world of strife
Come unto Christ and find in him eternal life.

Spanish.png Spanish text

Ven a Jesús humildemente,
Ven a El que nunca te dejará
busca a Cristo y su infinito amor
Ven a Jesús y paz en El encontrarás.

Ven a Jesús quien calma tu dolor
Ven a El que tus cargas llevará
busca a Cristo y Su perfecto amor
Ven a Jesús y paz en El encontrarás.

Ven a Jesús, tu que estás en dolor
Ven a El que Su amor no faltará
busca a Cristo que triunfo te dará.

Confiando sólo en El,
Bendiciones sin fin El te dará
busca a Cristo entre este mundo cruel,
Ven a Jesús y vida eterna en El tendrás.